Saturday, July 23, 2011

Uncharted Territory

That is where we are going. Into uncharted territory. Emblazened with hope. Hope that comes from the Lord.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


A sensitive heart and loyalty are two main ingredients that characterize Wondemnhe. People are drawn to him because of his sweet countenance and joyous smile! He always purposes to do the right thing and sets high expectations for himself and those around him. He desires to be a help to everyone, whether it's his brothers at Kolfe or any foreigners that he might meet. Learning English is one of his passions, so making friends with these foreigners is never difficult for Wonde!

He was born in 1995 and orphaned when he was 4 years old. Neighbors raised him in Addis Ababa for many years until Kolfe finally became his home at the age of 14. He has a special love for theater, singing, and thrives in any creative atmosphere. Instead of playing in the infamous Kolfe soccer matches, he can mostly be found in front of a good comedy movie, at the local Orthodox church, or at the internet cafe corresponding with his American friends and family. 

Wondemnhe excels in language arts and history and has a general hunger for knowledge. He will be entering grade 11 in September, but longs for an education that will allow him to engage his talents in a more promising environment.

Monday, July 18, 2011


Don't be deceived by this shy smile; he really is a goofball at heart! Tamrat was born in 1995 in Addis Ababa and became an orphan when he was only 2 years old. His mother and father both passed away from illnesses and left him with no siblings, no family, and no hope. He lived at Kebebe Tsehai Orphanage until the age of 8 and was then transferred to Kolfe because of overcrowded conditions.

Although his nickname "Costara" (meaning "serious" in Amharic) reflects his nature inside Kolfe, his funny and vibrant personality bursts out in all other environments! His beautiful smile speaks all the words he doesn't typically voice. He loves hip-hop music, movies (especially ones with dancing), and colorful "boot sneakers". He has a serious weakness for pizza and would be happy if he never had to eat Ethiopian food again! Most of his emotions are kept bottled up inside, but he displays a quiet strength and kindness that is evident to those around him. Tamrat is currently in grade 9 at a government-run school, hoping for a better education that will open up a new world of possibilites for his future.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Yohannes (nicknamed "Joni") is the boy that typically blends into a group initially....but his joyful laugh always shines through and catches the interest of all those around him! He seems shy upon your first meeting with him; however, he soon becomes the one that is cuddling up to you and wanting your attention just through a hug or a smile. He has a special love for photography and actually has quite a knack for it!  Joni LOVES food. Probably more than any other person you've ever seen. When rarely given the opportunity to eat as much as he wants, he is teased by all the other boys because even they can't compete with the amount of food he inhales. So much, in fact, that he typically becomes ill afterwards! He also enjoys soccer like most Ethiopian boys and can be often found on the soccer field, challenging his many Kolfe brothers to a game. His only biological brother, Daniel, is a few years older and definitely a role model for Joni. Joni is constantly doing pushups and other physical exercises so that "his muscles will look like Daniel's." Although their personalities are different in many ways, their physical features and mannerisms prove their blood relation.

Joni was born in 1995 (rough estimate) and became an orphan when he was very young. His birth father was a soldier in the Ethiopian military and was killed in the line of duty. He does not remember his birth mother but relies on Daniel's few memories to form a picture of her. He has lived at Kolfe Orphanage for 8 years and thankfully, been able to stay together with his brother throughout everything. Joni will enter into grade 9 in September and is excited to begin this new challenge of high school. More than anything, Joni longs to be with his WHOLE family on a consistent basis and be afforded the opportunities that so many of us take for granted every day.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Habtamu is a true character, causing everyone to fall in love with him almost instantly. His charismatic personality makes him a stranger to no one and laughter to flow freely around him. He prefers to be in control of most situations but has learned to adapt well to his circumstances.

Friday, July 15, 2011


A true comedian at heart, Dawit's infectious smile says it all! His witt and vivacious personality make him loved by everyone. He never takes himself too seriously and can very often be found at the center of a laughing crowd. Although humor defines a large part of Dawit's nature, his caring spirit and attentiveness to the needs of others greatly demonstrates the core of who he is. He is always willing to take a backseat for the "good of the whole," continuously doing so with a huge smile. The three loves of Dawit's life are cheeseburgers, Kung Fu Panda, and Michael Bolton....he can't enough of any of them! He also can't resist revealing his best Michael Jackson dance moves when a good beat finds him anywhere!!

Dawit was born in 1994 and orphaned with 2 siblings at the age of 3. His sisters were adopted a few years afterwards, but he hasn't spoken with them since and is not sure where they now live. He has recently completed grade 9 and is excited about the possibility of a new challenge in education. His impressive Enlighs skills and newfound hope will partner him well in achieving his goals and success in life.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Nicknamed the "Gentle Giant," Daniel exudes strength and control at all times. He was born in 1994 (approximate year) and has been an orphan for the majority of his life. He and his biological younger brother, Joni, have stayed together through it all and have lived at Kolfe for 8 years.  His caring spirit and astuteness to his surroundings typically puts him in the right place at exactly the right time. He is a natural leader and is seen as such in Kolfe, as so many of the boys look up to him. He actually acts as the "school police", ensuring that the younger boys are attending school every single day or else! This leadership along with his love for soccer have led him in forming his own team of younger boys that he trains and coaches for all Kolfe soccer tournaments. He is eager to become more proficient in the English language and works hard to do so, tutoring with other Kolfe boys every day. He loves music and especially music videos! He uses these as additional tools in learning English...probably not the best (or most edifying) teaching method, but somewhat effective. Daniel has such a servant's heart and wants to help those around him in any way that he can.

Daniel has just completed grade 10 and is searching for the next step in his schooling. He dreams of a better Ethiopia for the next generation of Kolfe boys and would like to be a part of that catalyst for change.  

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Although his given name is Ashanafi, everyone calls him "Coca".  If you ask him why, he will tell you it is because he LOVES "Coca~Cola" and it is sweet like him!  He is known by his "million-dollar smile" and his playful spirit! 

Coca was born in 1991 in Eritrea.  He was abandoned with his brother and sister when he was only 2 years old.  He has been shuffled between many orphanages while he was growing up, but has called Kolfe his home for the past 10 years.  Coca is a very handsome and athletic young gentleman who absolutely loves music and has never met a stranger.  He is quick-witted and never takes himself too seriously except when he is admiring himself in the mirror or walking with his signature strut! Coca absolutely LOVES animals and even has pet monkey named "Nappy" that he rescued from the Police! His excitement for life, love for people and magnetic personality will always serve him well!

Coca has completed his secondary education and is now enrolled in a vocational college studying to become a Tour Guide for western Ethiopia.  He longs for a greater opportunity that will broaden his "world".....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Biniyam eats, sleeps and breathes soccer...and it shows as he dominates the soccer field!  He is small but mighty on the field and has earned the nickname "Bull"!  However, off of the field, "Bull" hardly describes his true sweet and gentle nature.  He is affectionate, sensitive to others, loving and shy at times, but he has an undetectable spunk that is marked by his mischievious smile matched with his lovable, goofy giggle!  Biniyam possesses a positive attitude, a high moral standard and makes level-headed choices that have earned him respect from even his older peers.

Biniyam was born in 1995 and has been at Kolfe for many years.  He has an older sister that has been living with a foster family in Addis Ababa (the capital city of Ethiopia) for five years.  He is very physically active whether it is through soccer, going on walks or riding bikes.  His vigorous activity always creates a large appetite but sadly, his nutrition is lacking as he is served diluted mushed chickpeas and injera (crepe-like bread) for every meal.  He longs to eat meat, vegetables, fruits and especially salad as it is his favorite but unfortunately, they are absent from Kolfe.  His small stature for his age is a testament to his malnutrition.  He longs for the day he has a full belly and therefore, can reach his full potential in all areas of his life.