Tuesday, July 19, 2011


A sensitive heart and loyalty are two main ingredients that characterize Wondemnhe. People are drawn to him because of his sweet countenance and joyous smile! He always purposes to do the right thing and sets high expectations for himself and those around him. He desires to be a help to everyone, whether it's his brothers at Kolfe or any foreigners that he might meet. Learning English is one of his passions, so making friends with these foreigners is never difficult for Wonde!

He was born in 1995 and orphaned when he was 4 years old. Neighbors raised him in Addis Ababa for many years until Kolfe finally became his home at the age of 14. He has a special love for theater, singing, and thrives in any creative atmosphere. Instead of playing in the infamous Kolfe soccer matches, he can mostly be found in front of a good comedy movie, at the local Orthodox church, or at the internet cafe corresponding with his American friends and family. 

Wondemnhe excels in language arts and history and has a general hunger for knowledge. He will be entering grade 11 in September, but longs for an education that will allow him to engage his talents in a more promising environment.

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