Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Although his given name is Ashanafi, everyone calls him "Coca".  If you ask him why, he will tell you it is because he LOVES "Coca~Cola" and it is sweet like him!  He is known by his "million-dollar smile" and his playful spirit! 

Coca was born in 1991 in Eritrea.  He was abandoned with his brother and sister when he was only 2 years old.  He has been shuffled between many orphanages while he was growing up, but has called Kolfe his home for the past 10 years.  Coca is a very handsome and athletic young gentleman who absolutely loves music and has never met a stranger.  He is quick-witted and never takes himself too seriously except when he is admiring himself in the mirror or walking with his signature strut! Coca absolutely LOVES animals and even has pet monkey named "Nappy" that he rescued from the Police! His excitement for life, love for people and magnetic personality will always serve him well!

Coca has completed his secondary education and is now enrolled in a vocational college studying to become a Tour Guide for western Ethiopia.  He longs for a greater opportunity that will broaden his "world".....

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