Monday, July 18, 2011


Don't be deceived by this shy smile; he really is a goofball at heart! Tamrat was born in 1995 in Addis Ababa and became an orphan when he was only 2 years old. His mother and father both passed away from illnesses and left him with no siblings, no family, and no hope. He lived at Kebebe Tsehai Orphanage until the age of 8 and was then transferred to Kolfe because of overcrowded conditions.

Although his nickname "Costara" (meaning "serious" in Amharic) reflects his nature inside Kolfe, his funny and vibrant personality bursts out in all other environments! His beautiful smile speaks all the words he doesn't typically voice. He loves hip-hop music, movies (especially ones with dancing), and colorful "boot sneakers". He has a serious weakness for pizza and would be happy if he never had to eat Ethiopian food again! Most of his emotions are kept bottled up inside, but he displays a quiet strength and kindness that is evident to those around him. Tamrat is currently in grade 9 at a government-run school, hoping for a better education that will open up a new world of possibilites for his future.

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